This old version of Soundshiva accessible only for view. Thank you for using this site from 2010 to 22 July 2019. Jump to ⚡ new version.
Dec 19

Huge update

Hi guys! I dont wanna talk to much about time i spent to bring this update alive, most of key features was done many-many months ago @ development version of soundshiva.

Okay let me tell you what we have now:

1. Subscriptions

Every registered human now can subscribe any netlabel, music genre or artist on When release from netlabel/genre/artist you subscribed posted — you will receive SoundShiva :: Digest newsletter.

Soundhiva :: Digest

Dont miss your release!

2. Email Netlabel Manager

Now every registered human can contact netlabels manager.
Type your email on netlabel edit page.

3. Comment Notification

We will let you know when comment on your release is posted.
Same with comment replies.

4. Audio Filters

You can now paste links to your preview MP3-files from:

4.1 soundcloud

Soundcloud Player
Code: [soundcloud:url]
url = (example)

4.2 anywhere (direct links)

Audio Player
Code for single file: [swf file="url"]
Code for bunch of files: [swf files="url&&url"]
url = (example)

thnx to wouter for suggestion

5. Past releases

You can now back in time and add your previous releases.
-10 years in date picker.

thnx to underpolen for issue


Against spammers

SoundShiva still is beta.

All this new features need time for better test. just appeared @ Facebook
Thank you for your interest and support.