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Underpolen Netlabel — Underpopular Hits vol.3 - songs from Underpolen Netlabel releases 042-062 Cover Art

— Underpopular Hits vol.3 - songs from Underpolen Netlabel releases 042-062

Released 12 November 2015 on Underpolen / UPL 064

About 'Underpopular Hits vol.3 - songs from Underpolen Netlabel releases 042-062'

Hello and welcome to the Underpopular hits compilation, the third of its kind!

This is the idea: everytime another 20 albums get released on the
Underpolen Netlabel, the glorious father of the undernation, Jan Strach,
lovingly selects one song from each release to compile into a
presentation for all of mankind, to represent what Underpolen is all

And we are about freedom of creative expression, creativity with no
boundaries, laughing in the face of genre divisions, we love slip-ups
and false starts, accidental noises and experiments of all kind. Pixels,
artifacts, blurs and smudges around the edges. Ballpoint marks,
scratchmarks, fingerprints all over the lovely amateur, homemade

And we would like to share all of it with you.

The lovingly murky, atmospheric rock of poj.wlkp, trapped in a world of eternal sunset;

The ever surprising imrpovised rock of Projekt Luty, where at all times
there has to be at least one person included with no background in music whatsoever; ranging from noise and electronics, to casio backing
psychedelic twisted soundscapes,

The mysterious, beautiful piano meanderings captured via dictaphone of Proyect? Moone Jazzers, a musician from western Europe who never told us who he was, sent us these lofi recordings and vanished;

The deconstruction of all that we know about rock music, straight from Deftechnixks;

The layered stream of consciousness synth loops amounting to a chillwave orgasmo from Everywhere Kingdom;

The many faces of Jan Strach, from goth rocker, through intricate
meditations over an ocean, to casio melodies for children and full
fledged electronified punk rock;

Noises and field-recording drones and collages of Secrets Of The 45, sometimes together with Romania's Nava Spatiala;

Troglodisco of D.L.A.M.I.A.D., clashing ripped samples with a tact and style of a 12 year old deaf kid with elephant hands.

And as always three bonus tracks for your enjoyment because we love you dearly.

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